Monday, April 22, 2019

Robin Hood Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

robin redbreast lens hood Case - Assignment ExampleThis ensures that robin redbreast is unendingly can always plan ahead of the Sheriff and each of the Sheriffs moves will be reactionary.Robin Hoods key problem is that of infinite resources within Sherwood Forest as a result of transmute of route by the more wealthy travellers. Following what currently is in place is not sustainable as the lack of resources including insufficient rations will continue to bite and the group will eventually disintegrate. The twain characters need a new plan which will uplift their current situation and ensure that they stick around true to their pursuit of justice ideals. Applying a uniform tax to all travellers as suggested by Robin Hood will work to ensure that the group loses its key support base of the farmers and the poor. Robins last proposition seems to make much more sense in light of the current situation. What is ordered is to partner with the rich barons who have the ability and reso urces to sustain the Merrymen and in exchange, Robin takes up the political go to free King Richard.This is definitely a bad idea as the exercise will today target Robins key support base of the poor and the farmers. This is a common land mine for even established organizations who after sometime start to take for granted their key customers. A interchangeable scenario is replicated when Robin opts to attack his main stay of political support the poor travellers and famers.The pros of accepting this offer includes the item that Robin will now have more resources for the welfare of the Merrymen. Another pro emerges in the league that will be formed as a result of this cooperation. A working relationship betwixt Robin and the Barons will isolate the Sheriff and Prince John. The cons include the possible loss of focus as now Robin will be forced to concentrate on two concurrent causes, one against the Sheriff and the other order towards liberating King Richard. Association wit h the

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