Wednesday, May 1, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

ART - Essay ExampleZellij Panel is made from polychrome domain ware mosaic and resembles a panel of a wall covering from Bahia palace. The famous Bahia Palace in Marrakech, Morrocco incorporated polychrome mosaic with Zellij Panels on the walls of the palace. In fact, this piece originates from this palace as it was rescued during its abolishment. The pick up Bahia means brilliance. Bahia Palace got its name from the beautiful polychrome mosaic used to build it. Therefore, Zellij Panel is a beautiful art, which adopts a design of star shapes, squares, and triangles (El Khatib-Boujibar web). Zellij Panel comprises of blue and somber roues that originate from the centre and expose each other assuming star shapes, squares, and triangles. According to Khatib-Boujibar, Zellij Panel is a Thin network of lines vary between blue and black spread from a centrepiece. The network consists of 16-pointed stars surrounded by a black fillet to form a large cross shape delimited by black swee p up work. On the inside, there is a myriad of small white twinkling stars (web). Another set of color lines join the network outside the centre making larger compositions and star motifs.Zellij Panel use lines that come on around an enclosed area in horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and curve shapes to create three-dimensional shapes. According to Getty Museum, A line is an identifiable created by a point moving into space, (web). These shapes express breadth, length, and depth. The shapes created by different lines create residue to the space, texture, and the colours used. The balance created is symmetrical since similar lines pass through every direction of the square. The central founder has a radial balance and although some lines differ on the sides, a symmetrical balance is soundless achieved. The artist emphasized the central part by making it lighter than the other parts to interpret the source of the lines flowing form it. The artist uses colour to capture

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