Saturday, May 4, 2019

Honolulu Light Rail System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Honolulu Light Rail System - Essay ExampleThis is because a maneuver can carry passengers who could have boarded several buses. As a result, the number of buses on the streets depart falloff significantly as the members of the public will shift towards the rail remains which is free from traffic jams (Downs, 2004).The outgrowth in population growth in West and Central Oahu calls for a much efficient public transport that will be able to move a lot of people at the uniform time. Currently, the roads are being overwhelmed by the surging number of people. As a result, the rail system will go a notch higher in addressing this problem.The rail system will press more people towards the outskirts of the city. This is because more people will prefer to live in areas where rent is more affordable and away from the pressures of the city, as they can be able to move faster to their places of residence (Downs, 2004). This will play a significant role in reducing the traffic levels in th e

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